title: src/crelude/io.c


Source code

#include "io.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "utf.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wchar.h>


u0 panic(const byte *message, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, message);
    ierr res = novel_vfprintf_newline(stderr, message, args);

    if (res < 0)
        eputs("panic: Out of space.");


ierr fput(string s, FILE *stream)
    ierr err = 1;
    foreach (c, s) {
        unless (err == NUL) err = fputc(c, stream);
        else return err;
    err = fputc('\n', stream);
    return err;

ierr put(string s)
{ return fput(s, stdout); }

ierr eput(string s)
{ return fput(s, stderr); }

ierr eputs(const byte *s)
    ierr err;
    err = fputs(s, stderr);
    if (err <= 0) return err;
    err = fputc('\n', stderr);
    return err;

usize sizeof_specifier(const byte *spec)
    PANIC("Not implemented.");
    return 0;

static string FORMATTER_FLAGS
    = INIT(byte, { '+', '-', ' ', '#', '0' });
    = INIT(byte, { 'h', 'l', 'j', 'z', 't', 'L' });

struct Formatter {
    string flags;
    string width;
    string precision; 
    string length;
    byte specifier;

    usize offset;
unqualify(struct, Formatter);

// NOTE: Allocates on heap.
static string formatter_string(Formatter formatter)
    StringBuilder repr = AMAKE(byte, formatter.offset + 2);

    push(&repr, "%", 1);
    extend(&repr, &formatter.flags, 1);
    extend(&repr, &formatter.width, 1);
    unless (IS_EMPTY(formatter.precision)) {
        push(&repr, ".", 1);
        extend(&repr, &formatter.precision, 1);
    extend(&repr, &formatter.length, 1);
    push(&repr, &formatter.specifier, 1);

    // NUL-terminate the string slice.
    push(&repr, &NUL_BYTE, 1);
    return SLICE(string, repr, 0, -2);

static Formatter parse_formatter(string formatter)
    usize i = 0;
    if (formatter.value[i] == '%') ++i;

    usize flags_start = i;
    loop {  // Parse flags.
        bool found = false;
        foreach (ss, FORMATTER_FLAGS) {
            if (formatter.value[i] == ss) {
                found = true;
        unless (found) break;
    string flags = SLICE(string, formatter, flags_start, i);

    usize width_start = i;  // Parse width.
    if (formatter.value[i] == '*') ++i;
    else while (isdigit(formatter.value[i])) ++i;
    string width = SLICE(string, formatter, width_start, i);

    usize precision_start = i;
    if (formatter.value[i] == '.') {  // Parse precision.
        ++i;  // Skip '.'
        if (formatter.value[i] == '*') ++i;
        else while (isdigit(formatter.value[i])) ++i;
    string precision = SLICE(string, formatter, precision_start, i);

    usize length_start = i;
    loop {  // Parse length subspecifier.
        bool found = false;
        foreach (ss, LENGTH_SUBSPECIFIERS) {
            if (formatter.value[i] == ss) {
                found = true;
        unless (found) break;
    string length = SLICE(string, formatter, length_start, i);

    // Parse specifier as the single byte immediately after.
    byte specifier = formatter.value[i++];

    return ((Formatter){
        .flags = flags,
        .width = width,
        .precision = precision,
        .length = length,
        .specifier = specifier,
        .offset = i

// TODO(maybe): Add a binary formatter.
string novel_vsprintf(const byte *format, va_list args)
    newarray(ByteArray, byte);
    ByteArray bytes = AMAKE(byte, strlen(format) + 64);

    usize i = 0;
    byte c;
    until ('\0' == (c = format[i++])) {
        unless (c == '%') {
            push(&bytes, &c, sizeof(byte));  // Other characters are preserved.

        string format_string = VIEW(string, (byte *)format, i, -1);
        Formatter formatter = parse_formatter(format_string);
        i += formatter.offset;

        bool is_array_formatter = false;

        // TODO: Padding, text formatting etc. on the novel formatters,
        //       i.e. %b, %S, %C, %r, %U, %D and %V.
        switch (formatter.specifier) {
        case 'S': {  // '%S', string slice formatter.
            string value = va_arg(args, string);
            extend(&bytes, &value, sizeof(byte));
        } break;
        case 'C': {  // '%C', rune formatter.
            rune value = va_arg(args, rune);
            string ucs_bytes = INIT(byte, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
            ucs_bytes = rune_to_utf8(ucs_bytes, value);
            extend(&bytes, &ucs_bytes, sizeof(byte));
        } break;
        case 'r': {  // '%r', runic (UCS-4) string formatter.
            runic value = va_arg(args, runic);
            string ucs_bytes = SMAKE(byte, 4 * (value.len + 1));
            ucs_bytes = ucs4_to_utf8(ucs_bytes, value);
            extend(&bytes, &ucs_bytes, sizeof(byte));
        } break;
        case 'U': {  // '%U', runic 8-(hex)digit unicode codepoint formatter.
            rune value = va_arg(args, rune);
            byte res[] = "U+00000000";
            string sliced = VIEW(string, res, 0, 10);
            sprintf(res + 2, "%08X", value);
            extend(&bytes, &sliced, sizeof(byte));
        } break;
        case 'b': {  // '%b' boolean formatter.
            int value = va_arg(args, int);  //< _Bool gets promoted to int.
            string bool_string = value ? STR("true") : STR("false");
            extend(&bytes, &bool_string, sizeof(byte));
        } break;
        case 'D':  // '%D{·}{·}' dynamic array type formatter.
            // Following the 'D' must be the format specifier for the elements,
            // and finally the delimiter characters.
            // e.g. array of `int`s, separated by command and a space (", "):
            // `println("[%Dd{, }]", my_arr);`.
            is_array_formatter = true;
            /* fallthrough */
        case 'V': {  // '%V{·}{·}' view/slice type formatter.
            // Following the 'V' must be the format specifier for the elements.
            // and finally the delimiter characters.
            // e.g. slice of doubles, separated by tabs:
            // `println("{ %V{%0.3lf}\t }", my_slice);`.
            string elem_repr = SEMPTY(string);
            Formatter elem_formatter;

            if (format[i] == '{') {
                usize begin = ++i;  // TODO: Nesting '{...}'?
                until (format[i] == '}') ++i;
                usize len = i - begin;
                ++i;  // Skip '}'.

                // `elem_repr` must NUL-terminate, hence we make a copy.
                byte *buf = emalloc(len, sizeof(byte));
                buf = memcpy(buf, format + begin, len * sizeof(byte));
                buf[len] = '\0';
                elem_repr = VIEW(string, buf, 0, len);

                usize j = 0;
                until (elem_repr.value[j] == '%')  // TODO: Better error message.
                    if (j >= elem_repr.len)
                        PANIC("Broken printf element formatter, missing '%%'.");
                    else ++j;
                // Slice with everything after the
                // '%' sign in the element formatter.
                string elem_format_string = SLICE(string, elem_repr, j + 1, -1);
                elem_formatter = parse_formatter(elem_format_string);
            } else {  // Otherwise, it should just have a specifier.
                // Prepend a '%' character, if not given.
                if (format[i] == '%') ++i;

                string elem_format_string = VIEW(string, (byte *)format, i, -1);
                elem_formatter = parse_formatter(elem_format_string);
                usize offs = elem_formatter.offset;

                // `elem_repr` must NUL-terminate, hence we make a copy.
                byte *buf = emalloc(offs + 2, sizeof(byte));
                buf[0] = '%';
                memcpy(buf + 1, format + i, offs * sizeof(byte));
                buf[offs + 1] = '\0';
                elem_repr = VIEW(string, buf, 0, offs + 1);

                i += offs;

            string delim = SEMPTY(string);
            if (format[i] == '{') {
                usize begin = i + 1;  // TODO: Nesting '{...}'?
                until (format[++i] == '}');
                delim = VIEW(string, (byte *)format, begin, i);
                ++i;  // Skip last brace.
            } else {  // Single character for the delimiter.
                delim = VIEW(string, (byte *)format, i, i + 1);

            #define SPRINT_ELEM(TYPE) do { \
                newslice(TSlice, TYPE); \
                newarray(TArray, TYPE); \
                TSlice slice = { 0 }; \
                if (is_array_formatter) { \
                    TArray arr = va_arg(args, TArray); \
                    slice = SLICE(TSlice, arr, 0, -1); \
                } else { \
                    slice = va_arg(args, TSlice); \
                } \
                for (usize n = 0; n < slice.len; ++n) { \
                    TYPE *elem = slice.value + n; \
                    string elem_str = novel_sprintf(elem_repr.value, *elem); \
                    extend(&bytes, &elem_str, sizeof(byte)); \
                    FREE(elem_str.value); \
                    unless (n == slice.len - 1) \
                        extend(&bytes, &delim, sizeof(byte)); \
                } \
            } while (false)

            string fmt_l = elem_formatter.length;

            switch (elem_formatter.specifier) {
            // New formatters.
            case 'C': SPRINT_ELEM(rune); break;
            case 'U': SPRINT_ELEM(rune); break;
            case 'r': SPRINT_ELEM(runic); break;
            case 'S': SPRINT_ELEM(string); break;
            case 'D': SPRINT_ELEM(GenericArray); break;
            case 'V': SPRINT_ELEM(GenericSlice); break;
            // Standard C formatters:
            case 'i': case 'd':
                if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("hh")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(signed char);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("ll")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(long long int);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("h")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(short int);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("l")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(long int);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("j")))
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("z")))
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("t")))
            case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
                if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("hh")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(unsigned char);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("ll")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(unsigned long long int);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("h")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(unsigned short int);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("l")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(unsigned long int);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("j")))
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("z")))
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("t")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(unsigned int);
            case 'c':
                if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("l")))
            case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'a':
            case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'A':
                if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("L")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(long double);
            case 's':
                if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("l")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(wchar_t *);
                    SPRINT_ELEM(char *);
            case 'p':
                SPRINT_ELEM(uptr); break;
            case 'n':
                if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("hh")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(signed char *);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("ll")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(long long int *);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("h")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(short int *);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("l")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(long int *);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("j")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(imax *);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("z")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(usize *);
                else if (string_eq(fmt_l, STR("t")))
                    SPRINT_ELEM(iptr *);
                    SPRINT_ELEM(int *);
                PANIC("Unknown formatter ('%%%c') in array/slice.",

        } break;
        default: {
            // Send it off to libc `vsprintf`.
            string c_formatter = formatter_string(formatter);
            // We cannot pass in `va_list args` to the libc printf,
            // since it is technically undefined behaviour to use a
            // va_list after it's been passed by value into another
            // variadic function.  We must make a copy, and skip it.
            va_list args_copy;
            va_copy(args_copy, args);
            byte *buf;
            isize len = vasprintf(&buf, c_formatter.value, args_copy);
            string buf_slice = VIEW(string, buf, 0, len);
            extend(&bytes, &buf_slice, sizeof(byte));
            // Skip/discard the argument!
            switch (formatter.specifier) {
            case 'i': case 'd':
                // narrower types (h,hh) are promoted to int.
                if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("ll")))
                    va_arg(args, long long int);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("l")))
                    va_arg(args, long int);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("j")))
                    va_arg(args, imax);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("z")))
                    va_arg(args, isize);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("t")))
                    va_arg(args, iptr);
                    va_arg(args, int);
            case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
                // narrower types (h,hh) are promoted to int.
                if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("ll")))
                    va_arg(args, unsigned long long int);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("l")))
                    va_arg(args, unsigned long int);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("j")))
                    va_arg(args, umax);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("z")))
                    va_arg(args, usize);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("t")))
                    va_arg(args, uptr);
                    va_arg(args, unsigned int);
            case 'c':
                if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("l")))
                    va_arg(args, wint_t);
                    va_arg(args, int);  // char is promoted to int in va_list
            case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'a':
            case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'A':
                if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("L")))
                    va_arg(args, long double);
                    va_arg(args, double);
            case 's':
                if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("l")))
                    va_arg(args, wchar_t *);
                    va_arg(args, char *);
            case 'p':
                va_arg(args, uptr); break;
            case 'n':
                if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("hh")))
                    va_arg(args, signed char *);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("ll")))
                    va_arg(args, long long int *);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("h")))
                    va_arg(args, short int *);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("l")))
                    va_arg(args, long int *);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("j")))
                    va_arg(args, imax *);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("z")))
                    va_arg(args, usize *);
                else if (string_eq(formatter.length, STR("t")))
                    va_arg(args, iptr *);
                    va_arg(args, int *);
                panic("unknown specifier: %%%s", formatter.specifier);
        } break;

    // NUL-terminate the string slice.
    push(&bytes, &NUL_BYTE, sizeof(byte));
    --bytes.len;  //< But, don't count the NUL-byte as part of the length.
    return SLICE(string, bytes, 0, -1);

string novel_sprintf(const byte *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    string res = novel_vsprintf(format, args);
    return res;

ierr novel_vfprintf(FILE *stream, const byte *format, va_list args)
    string s = novel_vsprintf(format, args);
    ierr res = fputs(s.value, stream);
    return res;

ierr novel_fprintf(FILE *stream, const byte *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    ierr res = novel_vfprintf(stream, format, args);
    return res;

ierr novel_vfprintf_newline(FILE *stream, const byte *format, va_list args)
    ierr res = novel_vfprintf(stream, format, args);
    if (res < 0) return res;
    if (EOF == fputc('\n', stream))
        return EOF;
    return res + 1;

ierr novel_fprintf_newline(FILE *stream, const byte *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    ierr res = novel_vfprintf_newline(stream, format, args);
    return res;

ierr novel_printf(const byte *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    ierr res = novel_vfprintf(stdout, format, args);
    return res;


Updated on 23 August 2022 at 00:54:19 UTC