title: src/tests.c






typedef struct _NaturalNatural


u0utf8_ucs4_conversions(byte * cstring)



Detailed Description

File for testing the library. Not part of the library.

Types Documentation

typedef Natural

typedef struct _Natural Natural;

Functions Documentation

function utf8_ucs4_conversions

u0 utf8_ucs4_conversions(
    byte * cstring

Macros Documentation

define TEST

#define TEST(
	do { \
	[println](/crelude/Files/io_8h.md#define-println)("\n" ANSI([BOLD](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-bold)) "[###]" [ANSI](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-ansi)([RESET](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-reset)) " "\
		[ANSI](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-ansi)([UNDER](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-under)) "Test Case" ANSI([RESET](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-reset)) ": %s", DOES); \
} while (false); [always](/crelude/Files/common_8h.md#define-always)

Source code

#include <crelude/common.h>
#include <crelude/io.h>
#include <crelude/utf.h>
#include <crelude/base64.h>
#include <crelude/argparse.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>

#define TEST(DOES) do { \
    println("\n" ANSI(BOLD) "[###]" ANSI(RESET) " "\
        ANSI(UNDER) "Test Case" ANSI(RESET) ": %s", DOES); \
} while (false); always

u0 utf8_ucs4_conversions(byte *cstring)
    // UTF-8 string.
    string s = to_string(cstring);
    println("s = \"%s\"", UNWRAP(s));
    FOR_EACH(c, s) println("byte: 0x%X", c);
    println("s.len = %zu", s.len);
    // Convert to UCS-4.
    println("[***] Convert to UCS-4.");
    runic ucs4 = SMAKE(rune, s.len + 1);
    ucs4 = utf8_to_ucs4(ucs4, s);
    println("ucs4 = \"%ls\"", (wchar_t *)UNWRAP(ucs4));
    FOR_EACH(c, ucs4) println("rune: U+%08X = '%lc'", c, c);
    println("ucs4.len = %zu", ucs4.len);
    // And back again.
    println("[***] Convert to UTF-8.");
    string utf8 = SMAKE(byte, 4 * ucs4.len + 4);
    utf8 = ucs4_to_utf8(utf8, ucs4);
    println("utf8 = \"%s\"", UNWRAP(utf8));
    FOR_EACH(c, utf8) println("byte: 0x%X", c);
    println("utf8.len = %zu", utf8.len);

newtype(Natural, u64);  // New-type idiom.


ierr main(i32 argc, const byte **argv)
    UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv);
    byte *locale; UNUSED(locale);
    locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    println("Locale is UTF-8?  %s.",
        is_locale_utf8(locale) ? "true" : "false");

    Natural n = { 7 };  // How to use newtypes.
    n.value = 4;  UNUSED(n);

    // --  UTF-8 <--> UCS-4, conversions. -- //
    TEST("Converts between UTF-8 and UCS-4.") {
        println("=== Chinese Characters ===");
        println("\n=== Latin-1/ASCII Characters ===");
        println("\n=== Look-alike Characters ===");
        utf8_ucs4_conversions("maña");  // U+00F1 = ñ.
        utf8_ucs4_conversions("maña");  // n + U+0303 = ñ.
        // The second string has one extra 'code-point', but both
        // have the exact same number of human distinguishable 'graphemes'.

    // -- UTF-8 Escapes -- //
    TEST("Unescaped ASCII/UTF-8 strings to UTF-8") {
        println("=== Unescaping Strings ===");
        string unescaped = SMAKE(byte, 128);
        string escaped = STRING("Hello, \\U1F30E.");
        println("escaped.len = %zu", escaped.len);
        unescaped = utf8_unescape(unescaped, escaped);
        println("unescaped.len = %zu", unescaped.len);
        println("\"%s\" --> \"%s\"", escaped.value, unescaped.value);

    TEST("Escaped UTF-8 strings to escaped ASCII") {
        println("=== Escaped Strings ===");
        string escaped = SMAKE(byte, 128);
        string unescaped = STRING("Hello, 🌎.");
        println("unescaped.len = %zu", unescaped.len);
        escaped = utf8_escape(escaped, unescaped, false);
        println("escaped.len = %zu", escaped.len);
        println("\"%s\" --> \"%s\"", unescaped.value, escaped.value);

    TEST("The new (internal) printf variant function") {
        rune c = U'𰻝';
        println("Code point for '%C' = %U.", c, c);

        runic phrase = INIT(rune, { 0x73AB, 0x7470, 0x6C34 });
        println("The runes { %V{U+%04X}{, } }, represent: \"%r\".", phrase, phrase);
        println("Which are the three graphemes: %V{'%C'}{, }.", phrase);

        long long int some_ll_int = 36;
        println("A normal base-10 long long integer: %05lld.", some_ll_int);

        StringBuilder builder = AMAKE(byte, 5);

        extend(&builder, &STR("Hello"), sizeof(byte));
        push(&builder, ",", sizeof(byte));
        string name = STRING("Bob.");
        extend(&builder, &name, sizeof(byte));
        assert('.' == *(byte *)pop(&builder, sizeof(byte)));
        push(&builder, "!", sizeof(byte));
        insert(&builder, 6, " ", sizeof(byte));

        string slice = SLICE(string, builder, 0, -1);
        println("The characters %D{(%c)}-, say: \"%S\".", builder, slice);
        string slice_with_nul = SLICE(string, builder, 0, 12);
        println("With ASCII values: [%V{#%02hhX}{, }].", slice_with_nul);

        string alt = STRING("Strings may be printed like this too.\n");
        print("%Vc{}", alt);
        println("(that is, %V02hhX-)", alt);  // No curly-braces needed if unambiguous!

    TEST("String comparison: string_cmp vs. strcmp") {
        string s0 = STRING("Latino");
        string s1 = STRING("Latina");
        byte *p0 = UNWRAP(s0);
        byte *p1 = UNWRAP(s1);

        println("string_cmp: %s <~> %s = %hd", p0, p1, string_cmp(s0, s1));
        println("strcmp:     %s <~> %s = %d",  p0, p1, strcmp(p0, p1));
        assert(string_cmp(s0, s1) == strcmp(p0, p1));

        string s2 = SLICE(string, s0, 0, -2);
        string s3 = SLICE(string, s1, 0, -2);
        println("string_cmp: %S <~> %S = %hd", s2, s3, string_cmp(s2, s3));

        println("string_cmp: %S <~> %S = %hd", s3, s0, string_cmp(s3, s0));
        println("string_cmp: %S <~> %S = %hd", s2, s0, string_cmp(s2, s0));
        p1[s1.len - 1] = '\0';
        println("strcmp:     %s <~> %s = %d", p1, p0, strcmp(p1, p0));

    TEST("Array removal and block swapping") {
        newarray(IntArray, int);
        IntArray arr = AMAKE(int, 5);
        PUSH(arr, 0);
        __auto_type list = LIST(sliceof(int), { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 });
        __auto_type more = LIST(sliceof(int), { 7, 8, 9 });
        UNSHIFT(arr, -1);
        println("list[..%zu] = { %V%d{, } };", list.len, list);
        println("more[..%zu] = { %V%d{, } };", more.len, more);
        EXTEND(arr, list);
        EXTEND(arr, more);
        println("arr = %D%d{, };", arr);
        int *popped = SHIFT(arr);
        println("arr = %D%d{, };  (popped: %d)", arr, *popped);
        SWAP(arr, 3);  // Swap the three first elements to the back.
        println("arr = %D%d{, };  (swapped 3 first elements around)", arr);
        int *rmvd = REMOVE(arr, 7);  // Remove 8th element (0).
        println("arr = %D%d{, };  (removed at index %zu, element: %d)", arr, 7, *rmvd);
        SWAP(arr, 7);
        println("arr = %D%d{, };  (swapped at index 7)", arr);
        sliceof(int) *cutout = CUT(arr, 2, 4);
        println("arr = %D%d{, };  (cut out: %V%d{, })", arr, *cutout);

    TEST("Base64 encoding and decoding.") {
        sliceof(u16) data = INIT(u16, {
            __extension__ 0b0000000000000000,  //<      0 (0x00 0x00).
            __extension__ 0b0011001000110010,  //< 12,850 (0x32 0x32).
            __extension__ 0b0000011000000110,  //<  1,542 (0x06 0x06).
            __extension__ 0b0111010101110101   //< 30,069 (0x75 0x75).
        }); //< 64-bit integer value = 55,190,430,840,181 (big endian).

        MemSlice bytes = TO_BYTES(data);
        println("{ %V%hu{, } } <=> { %V{0x%02hhX}{, } }", data, bytes);

        MemSlice repr = bytes;
        if (is_little_endian())  // Convert to big endian byte order.
            repr = reverse_endianness(repr);
        println("  (decimal: %lu)", *(u64 *)PTR(repr));

        MemSlice encoded = base64_encode(bytes);
        println("encodes to: %V%c{}", encoded);

        if (is_little_endian())

        MemSlice decoded = base64_decode(encoded);
        repr = decoded;
        if (is_little_endian())
            repr = reverse_endianness(repr);

        println("decodes to: %lu", *(u64 *)PTR(repr));

        if (is_little_endian())

        string str = STRING("Hello, World!");
        println("\"%S\" <=> { %V{0x%hhX}{, } }", str, str);
        encoded = base64_encode(TO_BYTES(str));
        println("encodes to: %V%c{}", encoded);

        decoded = base64_decode(encoded);
        println("decodes to: \"%V%c{}\".", decoded);


    TEST("Maps / Hash Tables.") {
        //  key type, value type,             bucket capacity.
        //      v       v                           v
        mapof(byte *, i32) map = MMAKE(byte *, i32, 9);
        // ^ Initial bucket size (9) is an inflated guess of how
        //   many entries we might expect the hash-map to have.
        // Hash-function can be changed.
        // Important, since different types are hashed differently.
        // i.e. pointers should be hashed for what's behind them,
        //      instead of their raw address value, (usually).
        assert(map.hasher == cstring_hash);
        map.hasher = cstring_hash;  //< this is set by default using _Generic.

        mapof(string, i16) _m = MMAKE(string, i16, 5);
        hashnode(string, i16) node;
        string some_key = STRING("key");
        i16 val = 69;
        init_hashnode(&node, &_m, 93967, &some_key, &val);
        println("node.key.hash = %lu;", node.key.hash);
        println("node.key.value = \"%S\";", node.key.value);
        println("node.value = %hd;", node.value);
        println("node.next = %p;", node.next);


        i32 *value;
        println("number of entries: %zu.", map.len);
        ASSOCIATE(map, "hello", 38);
        value = LOOKUP(map, "hello");
        // `value` points to the item mapped to by key "hello".
        println("value (%p): %d", value, *value);
        println("number of entries: %zu.", map.len);
        // drop value at key "hello" from table.
        DROP(map, "hello");
        value = LOOKUP(map, "hello");
        // `value` should now point to NULL.
        println("value (%p): -", value);
        println("number of entries: %zu.", map.len);


        // maps work with any key and value types.
        mapof(string, u16) dict = MMAKE(string, u16, 2);
        assert(dict.hasher == string_hash);
        println("hash(\"ad\") = %llX; hash(\"da\") = %llX;",
                hash_string(STR("ad")), hash_string(STR("da")));
        assert(DROP(dict, STR("ab")) == false);
        string ab = STRING("ab");
        string bc = STRING("bc");
        string ac = STRING("ac");
        string ca = STRING("ca");
        string ad = STRING("ad");
        string da = STRING("da");
        ASSOCIATE(dict, ab, 0x6162);
        ASSOCIATE(dict, bc, 0x6263);
        ASSOCIATE(dict, ac, 0x6163);
        ASSOCIATE(dict, ca, 0x0000);
        ASSOCIATE(dict, ca, 0x6361);  //< overwrite.
        ASSOCIATE(dict, ad, 0x6164);
        ASSOCIATE(dict, da, 0x6461);
        println("dict: %S -> 0x%04hX", STR("ab"), deref(u16, LOOKUP(dict, STR("ab")), 0));
        println("dict: %S -> 0x%04hX", STR("bc"), deref(u16, LOOKUP(dict, STR("bc")), 0));
        println("dict: %S -> 0x%04hX", STR("ac"), deref(u16, LOOKUP(dict, STR("ac")), 0));
        println("dict: %S -> 0x%04hX", STR("ca"), deref(u16, LOOKUP(dict, STR("ca")), 0));
        println("dict: %S -> 0x%04hX", STR("ad"), deref(u16, LOOKUP(dict, STR("ad")), 0));
        println("dict: %S -> 0x%04hX", STR("da"), deref(u16, LOOKUP(dict, STR("da")), 0));

        println("\nDump hashmap layout:");
        dump_hashmap(&dict, "\"%S\"", "0x%02hX");
        assert(DROP(dict, STR("bc")) == true);
        dump_hashmap(&dict, "\"%S\"", "0x%02hX");
        println("  ^^ after dropping \"bc\".");
        assert(DROP(dict, STR("da")) == true);
        dump_hashmap(&dict, "\"%S\"", "0x%02hX");
        println("  ^^ after dropping \"da\".");

        assert(HAS_KEY(dict, STR("ac")) == true);
        assert(HAS_KEY(dict, STR("ac")) == false);

        mapof(i32, string) table = MMAKE(i32, string, 3);
        assert(table.hasher == upcast_hash);

        string hello = STRING("Hello, ");
        string world = STRING("World!");
        ASSOCIATE(table, -3, hello);
        ASSOCIATE(table, +7, world);
        // Iterate through all keys present in table.
        sliceof(i32) *keys = KEYS(table);
        println("All keys in table: %V%d{, }.", *keys);
        foreach (key, *keys)
            println("table[%d] = \"%S\";", key, *LOOKUP(table, key));

        assert(!HAS_KEY(table, 3));
        assert(HAS_KEY(table, -3));





    TEST("Argument parsing") {
        ArgParser ctx;
        mapof(ArgID, Arg) options = MMAKE(ArgID, Arg, 15);
        ArgID arg_a, arg_b, arg_c, arg_q, arg_m, arg_l, arg_v, arg_n, arg_s;

        // init for parsing
        // register arguments
        arg_a = argreg(&ctx, "a", nil, false, "Option A.");
        arg_b = argreg(&ctx, "-b", nil, false, "Option B.");
        arg_c = argreg(&ctx, "c", nil, false, "Option C.");
        arg_q = argreg(&ctx, "q", "--quiet", false, "Stay quiet.");
        arg_m = argreg(&ctx, "-m", "message", true, "Send a message.");
        arg_l = argreg(&ctx, "-l", "--list", false, "List values.");
        arg_v = argreg(&ctx, "-v", "--volume", true, "Sets the volume.");
        arg_n = argreg(&ctx, "-n", "--number", true, "Sets the number.");
        arg_s = argreg(&ctx, nil, "--skip", true, "Sets the skip count.");

        // sample cli arguments
        sliceof(string) args = INIT(string, {
            STRING("-abc"), STRING("+q"),  // '+' toggles off instead.
            STRING("--message"), STRING("hello world"),
            STRING("-l"), STRING("-v"), STRING("10"),
            STRING("-n43"),      // short option with argument glued on.
            STRING("--skip=19")  // long option with argument glued on.
        // ./prog -abc +q --message "hello world" -l -v 10 -n43 --skip=19

        ierr err;
        foreach (arg, args) {
            err = argparse(&ctx, &options, arg);
            if (OK != err) {
                eprintln("error parsing arguments: %S", ctx.error_message);
        if (OK == err) {
            println("Option -a enabled?   %b", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_a)).is_on);
            println("Option -b enabled?   %b", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_b)).is_on);
            println("Option -c enabled?   %b", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_c)).is_on);
            println("Option -q enabled?   %b", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_q)).is_on);
            println("Option -m value?     %S", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_m)).value);
            println("Option -l enabled?   %b", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_l)).is_on);
            println("Option -v value?     %S", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_v)).value);
            println("Option -n value?     %S", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_n)).value);
            println("Option --skip value? %S", (*LOOKUP(options, arg_s)).value);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Updated on 23 August 2022 at 00:54:19 UTC